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TambraPlace partners with Vision4Moore!

Updated: May 23, 2024

We are very excited to announce that we have partnered with Vision 4 Moore on Sunday, April 16 th for Sidecar Social Club - an amazing fundraising event. If you haven’t seen one of their performances, you are in for a treat! Check them out:

They play a variety of music – everything from Amy Winehouse to Count Basie! Spirited, stylish and engaging, SIDECAR SOCIAL CLUB is a shot of whiskey hitting your veins. Soaring through numerous genres effortlessly, their energetic sets take you to colorful and surprising places. From the gritty, riotous underbelly of speakeasy jazz to the bizarre cabarets of wartime Berlin. From the sounds of Latin American dance halls and the big band era to soulful R&B and fifties rock. We would appreciate your support with this event. You can help support us in several ways: by attending the event, increasing the attendance by sharing, posting, telling, and inviting everyone you know and by being an event Sponsor. I’ve attached the flyer for the event, as well as the Sponsorship Brochure. The event will take place inside the Fairbarn and seating is limited.

Please feel free to contact Pamela Partis at Vision 4 Moore with any questions you may have. Pamela can be reached at 910-365-9890. We appreciate your help and support throughout the year.

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